Marc shares his story how their book This is Service Design Thinking lead to a software they used for their own service design projects and their consulting. Due to demand of their clients, “Smaply” became their first software startup in 2012, quickly followed by their second venture “ExperienceFellow” in 2013.

In his talk, Marc will quickly describe how organizations use their software to integrate service design in their structures and processes. He will then give some insights how they set up their own startups from a service design perspective: How do they include customers throughout the entire development process? How do they prototype their software and features, but also how do they prototype their business model and pricing?

Don’t be afraid. This won’t be a boring success story where everything worked perfectly based on just another shiny design process. Instead, you’ll hear some real stories when things went wrong and how to cope with it. You’ll learn how they integrated concepts like lean startup, agile software development, service design, design thinking, etc. into one big thingything they call “common sense”… 🙂

Access Marc’s slides here:

Marc Stickdorn // Service Design and Startups: This Lean Agile Design Thingything

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