What is creative leadership? A Creative Director, dressed in black turtleneck, dictating every single detail? Cool! Would you work for that person? Creative leadership is more than finding a perfect form, much more than arriving at perfect concept. It is about creating a space and culture for creativity to happen. It is about fostering growth. […]

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Space matters. We read space like we read people’s faces. Space is an instrument of collaboration and innovation. At the University of Michigan’s Institute for Clinical & Health Research (MICHR), a team was created to creatively and economically enhance our operating space into a flexible workspace that supports privacy, innovation, creativity, and – most importantly […]

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Through designers’ quest to optimize user experience, we have reached a plateau in site design experimentation. Whether in UX or visual design, most of the solutions have been narrowed down to minimalistic approaches. It seems like we have successfully simplified interactions to the extent of minimalism. Designs and interactions have fallen flat, minimal and somewhat […]

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Artefact’s John Rousseau presented four design opportunities for semi-autonomous vehicles at Interaction16, IxDA’s international conference in Helsinki, Finland.

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Luke inspires with this session on designing for mobile in 2015. In today’s world, not all screens are equal, and Luke talks about the key themes you need to remember when designing your website.

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More design and user experience professionals are becoming interested in working in the social good sector. Whether your interest is in governmental projects, healthcare, or non-profit ventures, the skills and methods of user experience are of great value. Come learn how to best get started in the field and what might need to change in […]

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Existing design work treats emotion as a snapshot — distinct, moment-based — when real emotion is a moving target that progresses over time. What is your product’s core emotion? When beginning, sinking into, and finally leaving your experience, what states are you evoking in your user, and in what order? Why do we call them […]

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Wearable devices are still in the ‘Wild West’ phase, but we’re finally starting to learn enough about them that we can start making more intentional decisions. This talk will cover the entire wearable device ecosystem from raw data inputs to prescriptive feedback and emerging behavior change models.

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