Michael Schranz – From Idea to Final Screendesign
July 7, 2017 3:15 am
Talk at World IA Day Zürich, 18. Februar 2017
Abstract: Every app project starts with an idea ideally coming from a real problem that needs to be solved. Apps with love has designed and developed more than 100 Apps since its founding in 2010 and is happy to share the experiences and learnings about it. How does the process look like from the first idea to the final screensdesigns of an application? What tools and methods can be used to figure out how the functional and visual design should look like?
During this presentation we will share a whole bunch of working examples and cases with you.
Slides: slideshare.net/Appswithlove/from-idea-to-final-design-world-interaction-day
Category: UX