Finding the Narrative in Numbers: Making the Most of Metrics: Kate Rutter, UX London 2018

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Story First: Aarron Walter, UX London 2018

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Design like a Scientist: A/B Testing UX at Netflix: Navin Iyengar, UX London

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Let’s talk about shipping quality design work and communicating with your team when stakes are high, people have opinions, and you’re not even sure you’ve found the best answers. We’ll start with how designers can be most valuable to their team, and cover with how managing communication with your team can help you incorporate feedback […]

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UX practitioners can improve what is designed by adopting a participatory design research mindset. Often UX designers and researchers operate in an expert-mindset; and engage end-users as reactive informers within the design process. UX practitioners can improve the user experience of what is designed by inviting end-users to participate throughout the design process as active […]

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This webinar was a part of the Design Systems Virtual Summit and was brought to you by UXPin, the full-stack UX platform. UXPin offers a platform for prototyping, collaboration, developer handoff and documentation powered by design systems.

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David McCandless turns complex data sets, like worldwide military spending, media buzz, and Facebook status updates, into beautiful, simple diagrams that tease out unseen patterns and connections. Good design, he suggests, is the best way to navigate information glut — and it may just change the way we see the world.

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Physical products require all design decisions to be made up front, before mass production begins. But digital products never stop evolving, extending the role of the designer and introducing new decision-making methods. One example is A/B testing, where groups of users are shown different versions of a product and their aggregate behavior is analyzed to […]

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