On September 29, 2015, Jeff Gothelf, author of Lean UX, spoke to the NYC UXPA community about what he’s learned transitioning from practitioner to author to teacher of Lean UX. Lean UX has gained popularity in the UX community since 2010, and created a new way of looking at how we design products and services. […]

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In this workshop we will take you through the steps in thinking about (and preempting) user interaction and user experience design. Then we will outline ways in which we can evaluate, test, and analyze interactions to pivot designs leanly. This session will be highly interactive and will use examples from real startups.

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eBay has released a major update to our experience, starting with new apps for iOS and Android, eBay 4.0. This update features a more browsable design with easy access to top deals, promotions and events, balanced with streamlined ways to access the powerful eBay features you’ve come to rely on. eBay 4.0 is a more […]

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Every day, athletes, musicians, politicians and other influencers use Facebook Mentions to share and connect with their fans, and more than 900 million people are connected to public figures on Facebook. As a public figure, you can use Live to: Grow and engage your fan base. Whether you have an established fan base or want […]

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Originally, the field of usability and interaction design was slow, cumbersome and costly. These were some of the reasons that it was not adopted very fast among practitioners. However, recent years a lot of the methods and techniques have been adapted to better fit the fast moving development processes that are predominant in software companies […]

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Featuring Jeff Gothelf and Andrea Resmini SapientNitro brought together some of the big-brains drifting around the 2012 IXDA conference and had them argue some key UX topics in front of an ever more intoxicated audience in a downtown Dublin bar. Designed and hosted by Dan Willis (@uxcrank), the debates survive on an Internet that never […]

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A behind-the-scenes look at building Google’s visual framework. Find out more about material design at www.google.com/design.

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Video games teach us the value of writing content before the interface, applying content-first UX design, and the importance of voice and tone.

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Hello Designers, Today we are proud to announce you the redesign of the most popular streaming service of the world. Including Motion graphics the newest UX/UI trends and a stunning new cinematic webdesign. Please leave your feedback we really appreciate it! Keep exploring, Martin Vlas Webdesigner, UI/UX designer Yassine Boutaib Motion Graphics, Art director

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