Artefact’s John Rousseau presented four design opportunities for semi-autonomous vehicles at Interaction16, IxDA’s international conference in Helsinki, Finland.

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On September 29, 2015, Jeff Gothelf, author of Lean UX, spoke to the NYC UXPA community about what he’s learned transitioning from practitioner to author to teacher of Lean UX. Lean UX has gained popularity in the UX community since 2010, and created a new way of looking at how we design products and services. […]

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Featuring Jeff Gothelf and Andrea Resmini SapientNitro brought together some of the big-brains drifting around the 2012 IXDA conference and had them argue some key UX topics in front of an ever more intoxicated audience in a downtown Dublin bar. Designed and hosted by Dan Willis (@uxcrank), the debates survive on an Internet that never […]

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A behind-the-scenes look at building Google’s visual framework. Find out more about material design at

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Video games teach us the value of writing content before the interface, applying content-first UX design, and the importance of voice and tone.

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Gerry will outline a few notions to keep in mind when looking at typefaces, explain the popularity of some webfonts, and make a connection to the texts these typefaces are used to typeset. Towards the end of the talk he’ll mention the impact of globalisation on typefaces for the web, and what this means for […]

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Skip Allums’ new book for O’Reilly Media, Designing Mobile Payment Experiences, provides on the ground insights into the user experience challenges inherent in building mobile commerce interactions. This session will cover emerging best patterns in payments design, as well as ways to address consumer security concerns with UX best practices. Warning: some NSFW language is […]

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Though design research has become common practice at product companies, it often produces insights that slip into the hazy distance as documents get lost on a hard drive, or ignored by someone in a different department. Worse still, efforts get duplicated when communication breaks down. UX teams have design research down to a science, but […]

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