If you want to create a UX experience that anyone will be able to use, start by thinking, “could my mom use this?” No offense to the moms! But as Andi Galpern points out, excellent UX design means an experience that anyone, even someone who might be a little less tech-savvy, can understand and navigate […]

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Design deliverables can be challenging in a multi-device world. Front-end developers have had their day playing with fluid grids, flexible content, and media queries. Now it’s time to let the rest of the team in on the job. In this session, we’ll investigate how to get design approval in the context of a responsive process. […]

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After a decade and a half as a user experience professional, Jesse James Garrett has had more than his fair share of scrapes and bruises. In this presentation, Jesse reflects on what he’s learned about what it really takes to deliver great UX work, from working with teams and managing stakeholders to breaking a creative […]

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When something new comes along, it’s common for us to react with what we already know. Radio programming on TV, print design on web pages, and now web page design on mobile devices. But every medium ultimately needs unique thinking and design to reach its true potential. Through an in-depth look at several common web […]

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What would happen if you put 20 emerging creative talent’s + top line mentors in a room together? Semi-Permanent gave twenty creatives, irrespective of their stage of career & genre of skills, an opportunity to collaborate on a real life project, giving insights into the exciting, fast paced and meaningful projects happening at Google today. […]

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Touch interfaces are no longer the domain of science fiction. Today touch not only powers smartphones and tablets but laptops, tables, and more. This transition is an opportunity to rethink how people interact with our software and build new simplified services driven by touch. Sounds great, but how? In this session, Luke Wroblewski, author of […]

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A conceptual approach, creating a deeper engagement and visual experience through content and communication between users, artists, magazines and new media…and all other distributors world wide View Project: behance.net/nerby Facebook: facebook.com/nerbyfred Twitter: twitter.com/FredNerby

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Mat “Wilto” Marquis is a designer-slash-developer working at Filament Group in Boston. Mat is a member of the jQuery Mobile team, technical editor at A List Apart, and an active member of the open source community. He’s probably flipping out about something on Twitter as we speak. Twitter Handle: @wilto Presented by Mat Marquis at […]

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Let’s take a look at the UX ideation around the new Fi site. Irene, Jack and Yuwei take us through some of those key areas. Other folks at Fi are seeing this for the first time here just as you are. If you are a digital girl/guy: share, like or comment…so we know you were […]

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Sharp Corporation collaborated with frog’s team of designers and technologists to create “Feel UX”, a new Android smartphone experience that is easy to use, highly personalized, and visually stunning. “Feel UX” for Sharp’s AQUOS smartphones will be available in Japan during the summer of 2012 and include the following features: -Personalized and innovative lock-screen experience, […]

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