Frustration drives people to sign up for products in hopes of improving their lives. The space between the intolerable “before” and the ideal “after” is your project’s “improvement trajectory.” And once this is defined, it’s easier to identify key moments in the customer journey and match them to design patterns. Samuel shares strategies that help […]

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Sian describes what the Jobs to be Done (JTBD) technique is, how it can be used to design products, and presents case studies to illustrate how JTBD has been applied at Intercom. This is the story of how she spent the last 2 years using a technique called Jobs to be Done (JTBD) to research […]

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In a world run by computer programs that make decisions or solve problems for us, can we leverage algorithms and machines to complement and augment human creative practice? In this talk, Lysandre explains how Generative Design is reshaping the creative process within Nike Innovation; giving designers access to a tool they never had access to before, […]

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The 20th century challenge was to design a world of useful new machines. Form Followed Function. The rise of consumer culture introduced empathy and user-centric design. Form Followed Emotion. We are now entering an era of quantification and automation. Every person, place, and thing is being written about, annotated, digitised, and automated. Machines and services […]

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Uber started to solve a simple problem: how do you get a ride at the touch of a button? Six years and more than 2 billion trips later, Uber continues to grow in more than 450 cities in 74 countries. Uber is a different company, with a diverse set of products and the design challenges […]

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A selection of continuous delivery improvements made to the Abercrombie & Fitch website in 2016

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Séamus Byrne was hosted by UX Lausanne 2017. —- The demand for User Experience is on the rise within companies worldwide! Despite its popularity, the discipline of UX is relatively new to the corporate scene, with its place and potential yet to be fully appreciated and realised in the corporate world. Everyday UX practitioners can […]

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Understanding your user’s problems is one of the most important things to do when making a new product. But it’s all too easy to make simple mistakes that completely screw up your user research. Andrew has mined his experience, picked seven top mistakes and offers advice on how to avoid them. Andrew Harder is currently […]

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Luke delivers a 3 hour mobile design workshop

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Bret Victor invents tools that enable people to understand and create. He has designed experimental UI concepts at Apple, interactive data graphics for Al Gore, and musical instruments at Alesis. For more on Bret, see This talk was given at CUSEC 2012 (

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